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Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Favs: Dollar Store Decorations

It's official! There will be an end to winter! :-) Yesterday we were driving home and I saw geese in the fields. And with where we live, if you see the geese, then you know that it will start getting warmer soon. All this week I've heard a couple of birds singing in the morning, and when shopping I spotted the first tiny bits of green poking their way up through the dead leaves on a perennial. Now I'll be obsessively searching for my first Robin sighting, as that is dead ringer for the beginning of spring.

On a random note, shortly after Christmas I went to Target, and had a total crisis. As I stood in the middle of the aisle I could see clearanced Christmas decorations, Valentine's day decorations and summer swimsuits. I told Lover that I didn't know if it was still Christmas, close to V-Day or if we had just jumped right to summer. Not that I would mind that.

On a related note, I was in a spending mood the other day, so I thought I'd go "blow" some money at the Dollar Store. I love that I can buy a bunch of things there and  still have lots of money left in my wallet. I picked up some random stuff like cleaning supplies, and a cute soap container, but my find of the day was this little guy.

I'm not a fan of the overload of Pastels that greet us with the onset of Easter, but I do love spring-y things. And this little guy looked so brave and cheerful and he has served as a reminder the last few weeks that no matter how long the winter seems, spring always comes. :-)


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