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Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Look for de Blog :-)

My decorating ADD has set in once again, and I've changed things up all over again. I like the simpler look of this template, and it is way easier to use. :-) This is actually the same template that my friend (real life and bloggy!) Jenna uses. I'm obviously tweaking this a bit to fit my needs, but I like the simple clean lines of this template. Much less cluttered. What do you think?


Kristen at Miss Prissy Paige August 15, 2010 at 10:35 AM  

I love your new blog look! Very clean.

And I'd love if you wanted to take a stab at a header for me. I'm clueless and have no idea where to begin!

maria August 15, 2010 at 4:22 PM  

Hey jenny!!!
Thanks for your sweet comment!! YOur blog is beautiful and I love all the character in your house, those are hard to find these days! I plan on doing a post this week on the art over the tv deal! But basically we took one L bracket and screwed it into the top of an canvas art piece and hung that off the flat screen tv that's already attached to the wall. To watch tv we simply remove the art and put it back when we are through!
Hope that helps, so nice to meet you!

Kim@NewlyWoodwards August 19, 2010 at 6:21 PM  

I really love the header. So nice!

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