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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Smile - It's good for you!

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ~Phyllis Diller

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. ~Author Unknown

Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. ~Jim Beggs

Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. ~Mark Twain, Following the Equator

A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. ~Author Unknown

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it. ~Andy Rooney

Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it. ~Author Unknown

Everyone smiles in the same language. ~Author Unknown

Smile - sunshine is good for your teeth. ~Author Unknown

The shortest distance between two people is a smile. ~Author Unknown

Smiling is my favorite exercise. ~Author Unknown

Keep smiling - it makes people wonder what you've been up to. ~Author Unknown

You're never fully dressed without a smile. ~Martin Charnin

Smile Quotes from quotegarden.com


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